Tuesday 6 December 2011

Media regulations

My documentary on the Paranormal
In my documentary I will follow as many media regulations as I can, My documentary is about the paranormal and asks the question if paranormal activity actually takes place, do ghost’s exist?
 I will be truthful and accurate by not setting anything up, me and my group will simply film anything that takes place in the basement of the Rotherfield campus. Any reconstructions I may put in my documentary will have a disclaimer shown at the beginning saying that it is from the point of view of the interviewee and may not be entirely accurate, it will also inform the audience if it is disturbing or difficult to watch. My documentary will be entirely fair, I shall not mistreat or make fun of anyone for their views on the matter, it shall be carried out as professionally as possible. I will make sure to be fair by asking questions that wouldn’t put my interviewee off or make them uncomfortable. My documentary would not be shown on television for obvious reasons however if it was to be shown I would make sure it would be shown after 9:00pm. I will do this because young children may get scared of the content of my documentary, especially because it is all about the paranormal and would also show a disclaimer at the beginning so that the audience knows what to expect. My presenter will have a firmly neutral view throughout, not choosing a side of whether the paranormal is a load of rubbish or not but simply asking questions about it and experiencing it for themselves.
This is the media regulations I shall follow while making my documentary, the ones I haven’t included are not in here because they do not apply to my documentary or any of it’s content. I believe my documentary will be a success because it is different to most documentaries however it is something that most individuals have questioned for themselves – Do ghost’s exist? So I think my documentary will definitely please it’s target audience of 15 to 30 year olds.

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