Tuesday 13 December 2011


We will keep the cameras rolling whole time, so we can then edit down our footage to bits of where we’re setting up and moving around, to speak over, so we have not got a lack of footage. We think it would be better that we have too much footage then too little. We start with our introduction. This will explain the story of Rotherfield court, its history and its previous owners. This will also include a brief run through of everything in the documentary, and everything they will be watching. We shall film this down at the abandoned swimming pool when it is dark to add a late night scary effect. Afterwards we will have all of our personal team views individually and outside non-believer and non-believer (interviews). This is so we can get a view from different ages, and beliefs, so our documentary is not biased. We then go onto our preparation – filming; cameras, getting ready, dressed, walking there, walking down. So everything before going to the places will be filmed, and could be talked over, or all fast forwarded in an effect kind of way. We then move onto Greys Court where we give a short talk outside of it at night, explain the past there and what goes on, try and get some spooky shots. The last scene will be the tour of Rotherfield Court basement where we will do the majority of our filming. That is because this is the main ‘attraction’ being in our college and everything.

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